Cats convey their thoughts and feelings through various mysterious behaviors, and making noise when they jump is one of them. Cats make noise when they jump to express their excitement, frustration, communication, adrenaline, genetics, engagement, or pain. They may also make different noises depending on their mood and situation.

Certified Cat Behavior Consultant in San Francisco, Marilyn Krieger, says that cats communicate through vocalizations along with body language. So, it is normal behavior for cats to make noise when they jump.

This article will explain seven possible reasons why cats make noise when they jump and what common cat noises during jumping mean.

So, let’s get started with the details.

7 Reasons Why Cats Make Noise When They Jump

Cats making noise when they jump may seem like mischievous behavior of them. But there are several reasons why cats make noise when they jump.

Let’s look at the seven possible reasons for this cat’s behavior.

Expression of Excitement

One of the most common reasons why cats make noise when they jump is that they are expressing their excitement and joy.

Cats are playful animals that love to explore their surroundings and chase anything that moves. Jumping is a natural way for them to exercise their muscles, release energy, and have fun.

When your cat makes noise when he jumps, he is letting you know that he is having a good time and wants you to join him. He may also be trying to get your attention and invite you to play with him.

You can respond by giving him some toys, treats, praise, or by playing with him. It will strengthen your bond with your cat and make him happy.

Your Cat Detects An Item He Can’t Get To

Your cats may make noise when they jump if frustrated by something they can’t reach or get to. Cats have a strong hunting instinct. They are attracted to anything that moves, sparkles, or makes noise, such as birds, insects, toys, or jewelry.

When your cat sees something he wants but can’t get to, he may make noise when he jumps to express his annoyance or disappointment. He may also be trying to get your help by reaching his paw out to you.

You can respond to your cat by moving the item closer to him, giving him something else to play with, or distracting him with something more interesting.

Communicating with You

Cat Communicating with You

Cats are social animals. They use vocalizations and body language to convey their emotions, needs, and desires. They use different sounds and tones to express different messages and intentions.

When your cat makes noise when he jumps, he tries to tell you something important or urgent. He may be asking for food, water, or attention or warning you about a potential threat or danger. He may also be expressing his affection, gratitude, or apology.

You must understand what your cat wants to tell you by listening to his voice and observing his body language. Try to give him what he needs or wants to control this behavior of your cat.


Cats also make noise when they jump when they are experiencing a surge of adrenaline. Adrenaline is a hormone that prepares the body for action in stressful or exciting situations. It increases the heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and muscle strength.

When your cat jumps, he triggers the release of adrenaline in his body. It makes him feel more alert, energetic, and powerful. It also makes him more vocal and expressive. He may make noise when he jumps to show off his skills and abilities or to challenge you or another cat to a competition.

Genetics Play A Role in This Behavior

Cats may inherit this behavior of making noise when they jump from their ancestors. Cats are descended from wild cats that lived in harsh environments where survival was not easy. They had to hunt for food, fight for their territory, and avoid predators.

To cope with these challenges, wild cats developed various strategies and adaptations, such as making noise when they jump. It helped them scare away their prey or enemies, attract their mates or allies, or signal their location or status. Some of these traits have been passed down to domestic cats through generations.

It Engages the Cat Both Physically and Mentally

Cats are intelligent animals that need stimulation and enrichment to keep them healthy and happy. They enjoy learning new things, solving problems, and discovering new places. Sometimes, you may notice that your cat is obsessed with you as they need mental and physical stimulation.

When your cat jumps, he activates his brain and body differently. He uses his senses, memory, logic, and creativity to plan his moves and execute them successfully. He also uses his muscles, bones, joints, and balance to control his speed, direction, and landing.

He may make noise when he jumps to express his satisfaction or frustration with his performance or to motivate himself to do better.

Signs Your Cat Is in Pain or Injury

Cats are very good at hiding their discomfort and weakness. It is a survival instinct that prevents them from being targeted by predators or rivals. However, sometimes, they can’t help but show some signs of distress or suffering.

When your cat jumps, he may put pressure on his injured or sore body parts, such as his paws, legs, back, or abdomen. It may cause him to feel pain or discomfort, which may make him cry like a baby. He may also make noise when he jumps to alert you that he needs your help or care.

If you notice that your cat is making unusual or excessive noise when he jumps or if he shows other symptoms of pain or injury, such as limping, licking, biting, scratching, swelling, bleeding, or loss of appetite, you should take him to the vet as soon as possible.

He may have a sprain, fracture, infection, arthritis, or other serious condition that requires immediate attention and treatment.

Common Cat Noises During Jumping

Cats can make different noises when they jump, depending on their mood, personality, and situation. Here are some common cat noises during jumping and what they mean.


Cat Meowing

Meowing is the most familiar cat noise. Cats use meowing to communicate with humans and other cats. They can meow in different tones and volumes to express emotions and messages.

When your cat meows when he jumps, he may be trying to communicate with you. Your cat tries to express positive emotions. By meowing, he also can express that he is happy, sad, bored, excited, or in pain.

Chirping or Chattering

Chirping or chattering is a high-pitched and rapid cat noise that sounds like a bird. Cats use chirping or chattering to mimic their prey or express excitement or frustration.

When your cat chirps or chatters when he jumps, he may imitate a bird or insect he sees or hears. He may also be showing his interest or eagerness to catch something that he can’t reach or get to.


Purring is a low-pitched and rhythmic cat noise that sounds like a motor. Cats use purring to express their contentment and happiness. They also use purring to soothe themselves or others in stressful or painful situations.

When your cat purrs when he jumps, he may show satisfaction and joy with his activity. He may also be calming himself down after a stressful or exciting event.

Hissing or Growling

Hissing or growling is a loud and harsh cat noise that sounds like a snake or a dog. Cats use hissing or growling to express their fear or anger. They also use hissing or growling to warn others to avoid them or their territory.

When your cat hisses or growls when he jumps, he may be feeling threatened or annoyed by something that he sees or hears. He may also defend himself or his space from an intruder or an enemy.

Silent Jumps

Sometimes, cats don’t make any noise when they jump. It may be because they are quiet by nature or because they are trained to be silent. Cats can also jump without noise when hunting or stalking their prey.

When your cat jumps silently, he may show his stealth and skill. He may also be focusing on his target and preparing for his attack.


Why Do Cats Chirp When They Jump?

Cats chirp when they jump because they mimic the sound of their prey, such as birds or rodents. It is a way of expressing their hunting instinct and excitement.

Why Does My Cat Keep Jumping On Me?

Your cat may keep jumping on you to play with you, get attention, sit on you, or feel safer on you. Jumping on you is also a way for your cat to communicate with you and show affection or frustration.

Why Does My Cat Jump On Me When I’m Sleeping?

Your cat jumps on you when you’re sleeping because it is bored, hungry, thirsty, or wants to be close to you.

Why Does My Cat Jump On Me When I’m Standing?

Your cat jumps on you when you’re standing because it is a way of expressing its hunting instinct, excitement, or curiosity.

Final Thought

Cats make noise when they jump for various reasons. It can be their way of communication or to grab the attention of their owners.

By understanding why cats make noise when they jump and what common noises during jumping mean, you can better communicate with your cat and improve your relationship with him. You can also provide him with the best care and support that he needs and deserves.

You can reduce your cat’s vocalizations and stop cats from jumping by providing positive training, interesting toys, and mental and physical stimulation. Also, seek professional advice if your cat’s behavior gets excessive and out of control.

We hope this article helped you to have a better understanding of your cat’s jumping behavior and how to communicate with him effectively.