Cats are naturally inquisitive creatures and enjoy experimenting with new things. However, this inclination can sometimes lead to unhealthy habits that may cause serious health issues. As a result, pet owners often wonder whether it is safe for their feline friends to consume milk and, if so, what kind of milk can cats drink. 

Milk has long been touted as a desirable food for cats. Popular cartoons such as Tom and Jerry (1940) depict cats as cute and eager milk drinkers. However, whether milk is a healthy addition to your cat’s diet has become a topic of debate.

Local veterinarians generally advise against giving milk to cats due to the associated health risks. Milk does not contain the necessary nutrients required for feline health and may also trigger gastrointestinal issues. So, why has milk been advertised as a cat-friendly treat for so long? To delve deeper into this topic, keep reading this blog as we explore all the questions related to cats and milk.

What Are the Health Effects of Milk on Cats?

Regardless of how much your feline friend enjoys the milk taste, it can cause more harm than good. In short, milk isn’t good for cats. Naturally, you may be wondering why milk can be bad for your kittens. Don’t worry; we have the answer.

Firstly, cats are lactose intolerant, which means they lack the lactase enzyme needed to digest the sugar found in milk. If they consume cow’s milk, which has a higher lactose content than other types of milk, they are more likely to become sick, experiencing symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. As milk contains a high amount of fat, so, in more severe cases, excessive consumption of milk can lead to obesity; Consequently, this can heighten the likelihood of encountering a range of health concerns such as diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems.

What Types of Milk is Safe for Cats to Drink? 

The first type of milk that comes to our mind is cow milk which contains a higher level of lactose and sugar compared to other types of milk. While a small amount of cow’s milk may be acceptable, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian and opt for goat’s milk instead, which has lower lactose content. Nevertheless, it is generally not advisable to give any sort of milk to cats. However, if you are set on giving your cat milk, lactose-free cow’s milk or low-fat skim milk may be safer options. In this section, we have compiled a list of milk types that are relatively safe for cats to consume, as long as they are not overconsumed.

What Types of Milk is Safe for Cats to Drink 

Lactose-free Cow Milk

The term “Milk Sugar” is often described as lactose as this element is solely present in the milk of mammals, such as cows, goats, and humans, in its natural form. Due to its composition, lactose can be difficult for cats to digest. If your cat is lactose intolerant, it is not recommended to provide cow’s milk as it may cause stomach discomfort. Instead, opt for lactose-free milk, which contains over 95% less lactose than cow’s milk and is fortified with additional vitamins and minerals. However, if your cat has a lactose deficiency, it is best to steer clear of cow’s milk entirely.

Cat Lactose Intolerance Symptoms

While not all cats are lactose intolerant, and some can tolerate milk without any issue, feeding your feline dairy products is still not advisable as lactose is not readily absorbed into their bloodstream due to difficulty in passing through the intestinal wall. In that case, feeding your cats beverages like milk can cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, and dehydration.

Treating your cats with fermented products such as yogurt, Cheese, Source Cream, and Lassi is recommended. NCBI states, after undergoing fermentation, milk products have a lower lactose content. For instance, in a study, yogurt fermented for 11 days had 2.3g lactose per 100g lactose, while nonfermented milk had 4.8g lactose per 100g.

Low-Fat Skim Milk for Cats

Skim milk is a low-fat option produced by removing milkfat. This can be a good choice for cats, as too much fat can lead to obesity. Raw cow’s milk, on the other hand, contains extra sugar and fat which isn’t ideal for feline consumption. Therefore, low-fat skim milk is a suitable alternative to consider for your cat’s diet.

Goat’s Milk

Cats are known to appreciate a diverse diet, and adding some variety can be beneficial for their health and enjoyment. For instance, consider offering goat milk as a refreshing alternative to water. Compared to cow milk, goat milk contains lower levels of fat and lactose, which can be easier for cats to digest. Additionally, hydrating your cat’s food with fresh goat milk can enhance its flavor and provide additional probiotics and prebiotics to support your cat’s digestive system. Overall, incorporating goat milk into your cat’s diet can be a simple yet effective way to promote their well-being.

Goat's Milk

Kitten Milk Replacer for Healthy Development in Cats

When it comes to feeding your kitten, it’s important to prioritize their health and nutritional needs. While mother’s milk is the ideal choice, kitten milk replacers can also provide a complete and balanced diet for your growing feline friend. On the other hand, cow milk or goat milk is not recommended for lactose-intolerant cats, as it can lead to digestive issues and discomfort.

Kitten milk replacers are formulated with essential vitamins and minerals that support your kitten’s optimal growth and development. By providing the necessary nutrients in a convenient and easy-to-digest format, you can ensure that your kitten is getting the best start in life.

Moreover, milk replacers are a useful option for pregnant or lactating cats who may require extra nutrition during this demanding time. By offering a high-quality milk replacer, you can help your cat meet her dietary needs while ensuring the health and well-being of her kittens.

What are some safe and healthy alternatives to milk for cats?

While it’s true that offering a variety of foods can keep your cat entertained and happy, it’s important to be mindful of their health and safety. Not all foods are created equal, and it’s up to pet owners to make informed choices about what to feed their feline companions.

As we discussed in the previous section about “What kind of milk can cats drink”, it’s worth noting that not all types of milk are safe for cats to consume. To ensure your cat’s well-being, it’s essential to explore alternative options that are both safe and healthy.

In this section, we’ll explore some of the best milk alternatives that you can offer to your beloved cat. By prioritizing your cat’s health and nutritional needs, you can create a diet that supports their optimal health and happiness.

Water As a Safe Drink for Cats

Ensuring that your kitten grows up healthy and strong requires careful attention to their hydration and nutritional needs. One of the most important aspects of this is making sure that your cat has access to clean, fresh water daily. In fact, water is the best alternative to milk for cats, as it provides essential hydration and nutrients.

Just like humans, cats require water for a variety of bodily functions, including circulation, digestion, and waste removal. In addition, drinking water helps to replenish the fluids that cats lose through urination and feces, ensuring that their bodies function properly and efficiently.

To support your kitten’s health and well-being, it’s important to make sure that they always have access to clean water. You can encourage your cat to drink by providing a clean and fresh water source, such as a pet fountain or bowl, and by making sure that their water is changed frequently. By prioritizing your cat’s hydration needs, you can help them grow up healthy and happy.

Wet Cat Food

Though cats may love the taste of milk, it is not recommended to feed them milk regularly as it can lead to health issues. A better option is to provide your cat with high-quality wet cat food that can provide them with the necessary nutrients they need to stay healthy. Additionally, wet cat food can also help keep them hydrated, making it a great choice for their overall well-being.

Wet Cat Food

Bone Broth for Cats

While goat milk may be a tempting choice for some cat owners, there’s a better option for providing hydration and nutrition: bone broth. This nutritious liquid is packed with essential moisture to support digestion and appetite. 

Made from simmering animal bones, bone broth is rich in vitamins, minerals, and collagen, which can help to improve your cat’s overall health and well-being. In addition, bone broth can also act as a natural appetite stimulant, encouraging your cat to eat and stay nourished.

Homemade Cat smoothies

Homemade cat smoothies are a great option that you can easily make in your own kitchen. Simply blend some wet cat food with ice cubes or catnip, and serve it up for a tasty and hydrating treat. You can also experiment with adding other nutritious and delicious ingredients to your cat’s smoothies. For example, tuna, spinach, and blueberries are all popular choices among cats and can provide a range of health benefits.

One of the great things about smoothies is that they contain a lot of water, which can help to combat dehydration and keep your cat properly hydrated. This is especially important for cats who may not drink enough water on their own or who are prone to urinary tract issues.

Types of Milk to Avoid Feeding Your Cat 

As a cat owner, it’s important to be aware of the types of milk that can be harmful to your furry friend. We have already got to know what kind of milk can cats drink and here, in this section, we have enlisted some milk types that you should avoid giving to your cat:

Regular Cow’s Milk

This type of milk is high in lactose, which can cause digestive issues for cats who are lactose intolerant. Cats may experience stomach upset, diarrhea, or other gastrointestinal issues if they consume regular cow’s milk.

cows milk

High-lactose Milk Products

Any milk product that is high in lactose, such as condensed milk or cream, can also cause digestive issues for cats. These products should be avoided to prevent discomfort or health problems for your cat.

Chocolate Milk

All types of chocolate are bad for cats, and chocolate milk is no exception. The theobromine content in chocolate can be seriously hazardous to a cat’s health and can even be fatal in large amounts. It’s important to keep all types of chocolate, including chocolate milk, away from your cat.

Chocolate Milk

Milk with Added Flavorings

While milk itself may not be the best option for cats, milk with added artificial flavorings can be even worse. These flavorings can be harmful to your pet’s health, so it’s best to avoid giving them to your cat.

Is Almond Milk Safe for Cats to Drink?

Almond milk is not a recommended option for cats to drink. While it is made from almonds, which are generally safe for cats in small amounts, almond milk can contain added sweeteners or artificial sweeteners that can upset a cat’s stomach.

Additionally, almond milk is high in calories, with a cup of almond milk containing almost half of a cat’s daily calorie needs (200 cal). This can lead to weight gain and potentially obesity if almond milk is given to cats regularly.

It’s important to provide cats with a balanced, nutrient-rich diet that is formulated specifically for their dietary needs. If you are looking for a milk-like treat for your cat, it’s best to choose non-dairy milk alternatives that are specifically formulated for cats, such as those made from coconut or soy. As always, it’s important to check with your veterinarian before introducing any new foods or treats to your cat’s diet.

Can Cats Drink Human Baby Formula?

In a simple answer, no. You should not provide the human baby formula to your cat. Though it may feel tempting to give human baby formula to a cat in need, it’s not recommended as a long-term solution. Baby formula is formulated specifically for human infants and does not provide the appropriate balance of nutrients that cats need for their growth and development.

Furthermore, the baby formula may contain ingredients that are not suitable for cats and could cause digestive upset or other health problems. If you have a kitten or a cat in need of special nutrition, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian who can provide guidance on the best type of formula or food to give to your cat.

There are specially formulated kitten milk replacers available that are specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of your cuddly kittens and can be a safer option than human baby formula.

Are There Any Risks to Giving Cats Milk?

Yes, there are risks to giving cats milk, particularly cow’s milk, which is not a natural part of a cat’s diet. The lactose in milk can be difficult for many cats to digest and can lead to gastrointestinal upset, including vomiting and diarrhea. This is because most cats are lactose intolerant, meaning that they lack the necessary enzymes to properly break down lactose, the main sugar in milk.

Moreover, milk is not nutritionally complete for cats and may not provide all the necessary vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy. Feeding cats large amounts of milk can also lead to weight gain and potentially obesity, as milk is high in calories.

How Much Milk Can Cats Drink?

While cats may enjoy the taste of milk, it’s important to limit their intake as it can lead to digestive upset and other health problems. Veterinarians recommend that cats consume no more than 10% of their daily diet in milk or dairy products, and this should only be given as an occasional treat.

However, suitable milk alternatives should be given in moderation and only if your cat is not lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy. As always, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new foods or treats to your cat’s diet to ensure that they are safe and appropriate.


Cats are epicures, and they do enjoy the taste of milk. That’s why Pet parents would love to share some milk with their cute little furry friends. But the downside is that dairy milk or cow milk isn’t safe for them and it can cause digestive upset. Instead, it is recommended to feed cats goat milk or other suitable alternatives in moderation, no more than 10% of their daily diet, and only if your cat isn’t lactose intolerant.