Fatten up cat in a healthy way has become a new trend. Whenever you surf on Instagram, a pump-up pussycat is a common sight now. Millennials and Zenzis want their feline friends to be fluffy and cute now. While making them fluffy, they tend to make them obese, which becomes detrimental to their health.

According to a report from the CBC, our feline friend is heavier than ever now. Obesity has become a concern not only for humans but also for cats. 

A cat is said to be obsessed when it is above 10 to 20 percent of its ideal body weight. According to renowned animal nutritionist and veterinarian Dr. Amanda Ardente, 63% of cats develop obesity in adulthood in the United States and Canada. 

Fattening up your kitten faster can pose a significant health risk. Obese cats gradually develop weak immune systems and endocrine and metabolic disorders. Furthermore, they also tend to develop cardiovascular disease and arthritis, which reduces their movement.

Since swelling kittens have become a new phenomenon, you can feed them high-calorie cat food to fatten them faster. 

But before you start fattening up your cat, you should exercise careful consideration when feeding it. In this article, we have developed 7 top tips on fattening a cat.

1. Higher Protein Or Higher Fat Food

To fatten your pussycat faster in a healthy way, there is no alternative to feeding it high-quality foods rich in protein and fat.

According to a recent study, adult cats who don’t consume at least 40% protein in their daily diet tend to lose weight rapidly. Therefore, to fatten your cat rapidly, you must feed your pussycat with high-quality protein or fat. 

Below, we have listed some higher-quality cat foods that are rich in protein and fat:

High-quality Protein

  • Meats: Lower-fat meats, such as chicken, turkey, and lean cuts of beef or pork, can be wonderful sources of protein for cats. 
  • Fish: Fish like tuna, salmon, Atlantic cod, mackerel, trout, etc., are enriched in protein and fatty acids.
  • Eggs: Eggs are said to be the queen of protein. Occasionally, treating your cat with eggs can be a good source of protein for them.

High-quality fat foods

  • Salmon Oil: Salmon oil is a rich source of high-quality fats containing omega-3 that can help with weight gain and support overall health.
  • Chicken skin: Chicken skin is another source of high-quality fat food that provides additional calories for a cat’s diet. 
  • Full-fat Yogurt: Full-fat yogurt can be a good source of protein, fat, and probiotics, which can help support your pet’s digestive health and help your pussycat gain weight.
  • High-fat cat food: A wide variety of commercially formulated cat foods are available on the

 a market that helps your feline friend gain weight rapidly. 

2. New Feeding Schedule

cat Feeding Schedule

Adjusting to a new feeding schedule can play a critical role if you want to help your cat gain more weight. According to renowned veterinary hospitals, Companion Animal Clinic, you need to feed at least 4 to 5 ounces, i.e. 113 to 140 g of canned food per day 

Planning the cats’ diet with higher protein and fatty foods, scheduling new feeding times, and increasing the frequency of their meal times can help make your pussycat fluffier.

Below, we have suggested a new feeding schedule to help your cats gain weight:

  • Multiple Small Meals: Instead of feeding your pet one or two large meals, consider splitting their daily food allowance into multiple small ones.
  • Fixed feeding schedule: You must establish a fixed feeding schedule and adhere to it as closely as possible. 
  • Early Morning Meal: Start with an early morning meal that includes protein and high-quality fat, which helps kickstart the kitten’s metabolism and supports weight gain. 
  • Midday Snack: This midday snack is another small meal that satisfies the cat and provides additional calories and nutrients.
  • Afternoon meal: You can serve another afternoon meal to help maintain your cat’s energy level. 
  • Evening meal: Offering substantial evening meals helps your cat store energy and gives them nutrients before bedtime. You may add a mix of wet and dry food options to bring variety to their diet. 
  • Bedtime snacks: Feeding your pussycat small bedtime snacks can help maintain a healthy diet and allow it to fatten. 

It would be best if you took note of the following factors before implementing a new feeding schedule, such as:

3. Switch the Food Types

To help fatten up a cat, you must switch to a healthy food type. It is crucial to naturally balance your kitten’s diet with at least 30% protein and 20% fat. This does contribute a lot to helping you gain more weight. 

Below, we have suggested a few pointers to help your cat grow bigger:

  • High-Clore Wet Food: You can start incorporating high-calorie wet food into your pet’s diet. You can find formulated canned foods that are high in calories and protein. 
  • Adding Wet Food Toppers: A wet food topper helps your cats eat more frequently, increasing their appetite.
  • High-calorie dry food: Consider switching to a dry cat food formula with more calories and a higher fat content. High-calorie dry food helps the kittens gain weight faster than ever before.
  • Adding a supplement to cat milk: You can add supplements to a cat’s milk to help them gain more fat and calories than regular milk. You can offer small amounts as a treat or mix it into their food to provide additional nutrition and encourage weight gain.

4. More Exercise

Cat Exercise

As you are fattening up your cat, it is essential to maintain proper health for them. Otherwise, they will get sick. Hence, exercise is crucial to your cat’s overall health and well-being. 

Cats are not as active as dogs; therefore, they may not require as much physical activity as dogs. Interactive activities and toys encourage the physical activity of your feline, which can increase their eating.   

Regular exercise for your cat helps preserve the robustness of their mental health. Recreational activity encourages your feline to engage in physical activity, supporting weight gain and muscle development. 

According to veterinarian Dr. Jardayna Werlin of VAC Animal Hospital of Massachusetts, pets must exercise for at least 30 minutes. Furthermore, a lack of physical activity may lead to muscle atrophy, joint stiffness, and mobility deficiencies.

Below, veterans have pointed out some diseases that gradually increase when proper physical exercise is not taken:

  • Strain on the Heart
  • Diabetes
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Decreased Lifespan
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Skin Infections
  • Fatty Liver Disease

Therefore, to fatten your cat, it is necessary to take proper notes on scheduled regular exercise so they can maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

5. Try Wet Or Fresh Foods

Not all cats can gain weight, some lean felines also have difficulty gaining one. Wet and fresh foods can be beneficial options if you try to fatten up a cat. 

When you consider wet or fresh foods in your cat’s diet, it is crucial to do it gradually under the guidance of a veterinarian. 

Wet foods

Wet food typically has a higher moisture content than dry food, which can help increase your cat’s overall fluid intake and promote hydration. This food tends to be palatable, making it more appealing to cats with picky appetites and decreased interest in eating. Furthermore, it has added calories that support weight gain goals for your feline friends.

Fresh Foods

Fresh foods such as cooked meats, eggs, and fish can provide your cat with high-quality protein, which helps it gain weight, as discussed earlier. They tend to offer a variety of flavors that help unwilling pets get good test buds. Furthermore, feeding your cat fresh foods allows you to customize its diet to meet its individual nutritional needs.

6. Use More Canned Food 

Switching to a variety of formulated canned foods to support your pet’s weight gain can be an effective strategy for fattening out your pet. Below are some suggestions for different food types that can help.

  • Formulated wet canned food with high calories tends to have a higher fat content, which may lead to weight gain. 
  • Adding wet food toppers may increase the palatability of your pets’ food and encourage them to eat more.
  • Offering nutrient-dense, packed snacks with high protein and fat content can lead to rapid weight gain. But consider offering them in small amounts as a part of their balanced diet.

7. Feed High-Quality Calories

Feeding your cat to gain weight can be a stressful job. There are so many products on the market that choosing the right kind for your kitty can be daunting. To make things simple, consider getting foods that consist of higher-quality calories.

Choosing nutrient-dense foods and focusing on more protein can be a good strategy to help your cat gain weight. You may also incorporate healthy fats, which are dense in fat and can also aid a lot. 

This diet will help your pet gain weight healthily. Occasional high-calorie treats can also aid in your cat’s weight gain. You may also consider feeding wet food, which is more calorie-dense than dry kibble.


Can Peanut Butter Help My Cat Gain Weight?

The short answer is ‘’Yes’’ but it’s not an ideal option for helping your cat gain weight. There are several reasons why peanut butter may not be suitable for felines, like:

  • The cat may be allergic to nuts
  • Higher fat contains may lead to obesity and other severe health issues 
  • Added ingredients like sugar, salt, and hydrogenated oils
  • Lack of essential nutrients
  • Can cause a choking hazard
  • Causes of digestive disorder

Can Eggs Make My Cat Gain Weight?

‘’Yes,’’ eggs can make your cat gain weight. 

 It is advised to feed cats eggs at a moderate level, and they should always be cooked. It is also ideal to mix eggs with other foods to help gain weight. 

Does Rice Help a Cat Gain Weight?

‘’Yes’’, rice can help a cat gain weight rapidly. But it’s not an ideal option to help make a cat fat and fluffy

My Cat Is Eating, But Not Gaining Weight — Why?

If your cat is eating but not gaining weight, then there could be several reasons for this, such as:

  1. Various health issues
  2. Inadequate diet 
  3. Stress and anxiety 
  4. Hyperthyroidism
  5. Old age
  6. Intestinal parasites and worms 
  7. Illness 

What Else Can I Add to My Cat’s Food to Help Them Gain Weight?

Dry foods like biscuits can provide necessary calories; you can add gravy and jelly containing essential proteins, amino acids, and fatty acids mixed together.

Final Verdict

Fatten up a cat has now become a new phenomenon among today’s Instagram generation. To make your feline friend fat and fluffy, you can feed them high-quality protein and fat foods. You can also implement a new feeding schedule and switch to different food types. 

Canned food containing high-quality calories as well as wet and fresh food can also aid in fattening up your cat. Regular exercise also plays a pivotal role in a healthy lifestyle for your pussycat. 

We hope that the above seven tips will help you gain some weight for your cat. With the above-advised tips and suggestions, we hope that you will be able to increase your feline friend’s weight healthily.