One common question among potential Corgi owners is, “Do Corgis bark a lot?” The answer is yes. Corgis bark excessively.

But why do corgis bark a lot? What are they trying to communicate through their barking? As a dog owner, how can one reduce a corgi’s loud barking?

Before answering these queries, let’s grab some basics about corgis.

There are two corgis breeds: Cardigan Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

Both are dwarf breeds. American Kennel Club recognized them in 2006. Originally bred as herding dogs, Corgis possess distinctive traits that make them stand out.

Let’s know more about corgis barking habit and the reasons behind it.

Understanding Corgis and their Bark

Understanding Corgis and their Bark

Corgis are popular for their adorable appearance. They have short legs and expressive faces. Alongside their charming looks, Corgis have a reputation for being vocal companions.

However, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Pembroke Welsh Corgi share more or less similar personalities.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi

  • Love spending time with owners
  • Delightful companions
  • Enjoy being with children
  • Thrive when given a daily job
  • Smart and quick learners
  • Can exhibit nipping and barking behavior, especially with small humans
  • Excellent watchdogs due to their big ears
  • Reserved in new situations but warm up quickly
  • Laid back and quieter compared to Pembroke
  • More adaptable and have a combination of serious and funny traits
  • Love to travel and have new experiences
  • Content with a short romp in the yard or lying on the sofa next to you

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

  • Love spending time with humans
  • Delightful companions
  • Enjoy being with children
  • Thrive when given a daily job
  • Smart and quick learners
  • Can exhibit nipping and barking behavior, especially with small humans
  • Excellent watchdogs due to their big ears
  • More outgoing and ready for a party
  • High-energy, friendly, affectionate, happy, and funny
  • “CAN-DO” dogs, always willing to do what their owners want
  • Stay right with their owners during walks
  • Wonderful to live with and content to be with their owners all the time

In addition, corgis, in general, don’t bark a lot. But individual Corgis may exhibit varying degrees of barking. It may depend on their personality, training, and environment.

What Is It Like Owning A Pembroke Welsh Corgi?

Welsh corgis are small house dogs. You and your kids will feel really happy if you have a corgi dog.

Pembroke corgis are very alert and sensitive. They enjoy spending time with their human family. 

Besides, Corgis are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and energetic nature. These make them both delightful and demanding companions.

Yet, some challenges come with owning a Corgi. 

Their bark is an integral part of their communication. it can become excessive if not properly managed.

This excessive and loud barking can stem from various factors. Breed-specific traits, training, and environmental stimuli are some of them.  

That’s why, before owning a Corgi dog, you should be aware of these challenges.

Why Do Corgis Bark So Much?

Why Do Corgis Bark So Much

Like any other dog, Corgis bark for no particular reason. They may bark if they are hungry or disturbed. They may bark to grab their owner’s attention. Or they just want to express their emotion or situation. 

However, when it comes to loud and extreme barking, there might be several reasons behind it. 

The Instinctive Reasons Behind Corgi Barking

Corgis, being herding dogs by nature, have certain instinctive reasons that drive their barking behavior. These include:

  • Communication: Barking is a primary means of communication for Corgis. They may bark to alert their owners of potential dangers, communicate their needs, or express excitement.
  • Protective Instinct: Corgis have a strong protective instinct. It makes them excellent watchdogs. They may start barking when they sense unfamiliar people or perceive a threat to their territory or family.
  • Herding Instinct: As herding dogs, Corgis have a natural inclination to control and manage their surroundings. They may bark to move or gather people or animals, displaying their herding instincts.

Environmental Factors Contributing to Corgi Barking

Apart from their instinctive tendencies, several environmental factors can contribute to Corgis barking excessively. These include:

  • Lack of Stimulation: Welsh Corgis are intelligent and active dogs. If they don’t receive adequate mental and physical stimulation, they may resort to barking out of boredom or frustration
  • Separation Anxiety: Besides stimulation, Welsh Corgis form strong bonds with their human companions. So they are prone to separation anxiety. When left alone for extended periods, they may bark extremely as a response to their distress.
  • Noisy Surroundings: Corgis are sensitive to their environment, and uncontrolled noise can trigger their barking. In addition, loud sounds, such as sirens, construction noises, or even other dogs barking, can set off Corgi’s barking behavior.
  • Improper Socialization: Insufficient socialization during their early stages of development may contribute to Corgis being more anxious or fearful. This can also trigger outrageous barking in some situations.

What Does My Corgi’s Bark Mean? 

What Does My Corgi’s Bark Mean? 

Corgi’s bark can mean many things related to their insights, behaviors, and situations.

Let’s know the different types of Corgi barks and what they may signify. This will help you understand what your Corgi is trying to communicate through their barking.

Different Types of Corgi Barks

Corgis, like many dogs, have various types of barks. Each type of bark conveys a different message.

Here are some common types of Corgi barks you may encounter:

  1. Alert Bark: This bark is sharp and quick. It means Corgi is alerting you to something out of the ordinary. A noise, an unfamiliar person, or a potential threat can trigger this.
  2. Playful Bark: A playful bark expressed with a wagging tail and an excited demeanor. This bark is higher-pitched and often rhythmic. It means your Corgi wants to play and interact with you.
  3. Demand Bark: If your Corgi wants something, such as fruit or food, attention, or to go outside, it may resort to a demand bark. It may associate with pawing at you or the desired object.
  4. Boredom Bark: When your Corgi is bored or lacks stimulation, it may exhibit a monotonous and repetitive bark. So, they may show restlessness to achieve some kind of physical engagement.

What Your Corgi is Trying to Communicate through Barking 

While each Corgi’s communication style may vary, here are some general meanings behind their barks:

  • Seeking Attention: Your Corgi may bark to get your attention or to initiate interaction. They may want to play, be petted, or simply crave your company.
  • Revealing Discomfort: If your Corgi barks in certain situations, such as during thunderstorms, it may be a sign of fear or discomfort. They may crave reassurance or try to communicate their unease.
  • Expressing Needs: Corgis may bark to communicate their needs.  Maybe, they want to let you know that they are hungry, thirsty, or need to go outside for a bathroom break. Pay attention to the context and accompanying cues to understand them better.
  • Protection: Corgis have a protective nature. Their barking may indicate a perceived threat or an attempt to guard their territory. They are letting you know that something seems unfamiliar or suspicious.

How Often Do Corgis Bark?

Cute, little, short Corgis are very vocal. They may bark at almost everything. 

In general, Corgis bark moderately. Corgis owners may find that they are prone to barking when triggered by various stimuli.

However, the barking frequency can vary depending on the dog’s personality, training, and environment.

Corgis can have different daily barking patterns, as it varies from dog to dog. Some Corgis may bark more frequently throughout the day, while others may bark only occasionally.

Besides, Factors like their environment, level of activity, socialization, and individual personality can influence their daily barking habits. 

Factors that can increase Corgi’s Barking: 

  • Lack of Stimulation
  • Socialization and Training
  • Environmental Stimuli
  • Health and Emotional Well-being

How To Stop Corgis From Barking?

How To Stop Corgis From Barking?

To maintain a peaceful environment, there should be harmony between the dog and their owners. 

Barking isn’t something that will make you happy. So, how to stop Corgis from barking?

It may include effective training methods and sometimes might need professional help.

Training plays a key role in curbing excessive barking in Corgis.

You can also watch this video on how to stop Welsh Corgis from Barking:

Here are some effective methods to help control Corgi’s barking: 

Positive Reinforcement

Utilize positive reinforcement techniques to reward desired behavior. When your Corgi remains calm and quiet, praise them and offer treats or verbal affirmation. This helps them associate silence with positive outcomes.

Teach the “Quiet” Command

Train your Corgi to understand and respond to the “quiet” command. When they start barking, calmly say “quiet” and wait for a brief pause in their barking. 

Immediately reward them and offer praise. Gradually increase the duration of quietness before rewarding to reinforce the behavior.

Distraction and Diversion

Redirect your Corgi’s attention when they start barking excessively. 

Use toys, puzzles, or engaging activities to redirect their focus and provide mental and physical stimulation. 

This can help prevent boredom-related barking.


If your Corgi’s barking is triggered by specific stimuli, such as strangers or other animals, gradually expose them to those triggers in a controlled manner.

Start at a distance where they remain calm and reward them for calm behavior. Also, gradually decrease the distance over time, always reinforcing positive behavior.


We hope you have already learned that Corgis do bark a lot compared to other dogs. Besides, you may observe that they are sometimes barking at almost everything. 

Furthermore, instincts like protectiveness, communication, and heredity can be some of the reasons behind corgis barking. 

Also, environmental factors such as separation, lack of physical and mental stimulation, and improper socialization can contribute to corgi’s extreme barking habit. 

However, stopping Corgis from excessive barking requires patience, consistency, and the implementation of effective training methods. Dog owners can use positive reinforcement, “Quiet” Commands, Desensitization, and Distraction and diversion methods to stop corgis from acute barking.  

Remember, each Corgi is unique, and finding the right approach may require trial and error. With proper training and guidance, you can successfully manage and reduce excessive barking.

This will help to create a harmonious and peaceful environment for both you and your Corgi companion