Bathing is the most pleasing way to smell your dog better. But, we won’t discuss it, rather we will explore: How to make your dog smell good without a bath. 

Though regular bathing is a common way to take care of your furry friend’s odor issues. But frequent bathing isn’t healthy for your dogs. Bathing too often can cause irritation, itchiness, and oil imbalance. 

In this blog, we will share the most effective alternatives to bathing. Hopefully, it will help your dog smell good without the need for a bath. Our instructions are designed to keep your dog’s coat clean, odor-free, and healthy.

Natural Ways to Improve Your Dog’s Smell Without A Bath

There are a plethora of ways to make your dog smell good without a bath. We will skip all those unnatural ways that can harm your adorable canine.
Here, we have enlisted some natural ways to improve your dog’s smell without a bath.

1. Regularly Brush Your Dog’s Coat

Brush Your Dog’s Coat

Brushing your dog’s coat regularly has several benefits. It helps remove dirt and odor-causing debris. It additionally spreads the natural oils evenly across the fur.
Brushing promotes healthy skin and a shiny coat. While brushing it is advisable to use gentle strokes and a suitable brush or comb for their fur type.
Carefully choose your dog’s brush or comb. It depends on your dog’s breed, coat length, and shedding patterns. Here are a few tips for brushing:

  • Brushing Frequency: For breeds with longer hair or thicker coats, daily brushing is unnecessary. But short hair breeds may need brushing a few times a week. 
  • Choose the Right Tools: Use grooming tools that are designed for your dog’s coat type. Slicker brushes, bristles, and shedding tools are commonly used for different purposes. 
  • Proper Technique: You should use your brush in the direction of hair growth. Apply gentle pressure to avoid discomfort. Pay attention to areas prone to tangles or matting, such as behind the ears or under the legs. Use detangling spray if needed.

2. Cleaning Your Dog’s Ears

As a canine caregiver, you should keep your dog’s ear clean for their overall hygiene. If you regularly clean your dog’s ear, it will eventually help to prevent infection and unpleasant odors. Use safe methods and tools, such as a cotton ball or cotton pad to clean your dog’s ear. Always be gentle and avoid pushing any debris further into the ear canal.
Besides, keep an eye out for signs of ear issues, such as redness, discharge, or excessive scratching. 

Also, make sure to reward your dog with lots of treats to continue the cleaning process more smoothly.   

3. Take Care of Your Dog’s Teeth 

You should also brush your dog’s teeth regularly to fix odor issues. Make sure to brush your dog’s teeth using a toothbrush and toothpaste specifically designed for dogs.

Your beloved pup may not like it initially. So, start introducing tooth brushing gradually. Use small circular motions along the gum line. 

This will help to prevent dental issues and keeps your pup’s breath smelling fresh and pleasant. 

4. Keep Your Dog’s Paws Clean After a Walk

Even if you have an indoor dog, you might want to walk with your dog outside. As a conscious dog parent, you should clean your dog’s paws after an outdoor walk. 

Removing dirt buildup from the dog’s paws keeps it smelling nice. Keep in your mind to use suitable brushes or wipes to remove any dirt, mud, or debris from their paws. 

Furthermore, pay attention to the areas between the toes. Apply gentle brushing or wipe each paw. Always make sure, your adorable pups are clean and dry before they go back inside.  

5. Altering Your Dog’s Diet for Fresher Smell

Altering Your Dog’s Diet

A low-quality can damage your dog’s digestive system. Then, this food can generate imbalanced gut bacteria. Eventually, your dog will have a foul odor. 

So, you should consider feeding your dog a high-quality, nutritionally-balanced diet to improve overall smell.

According to ASPCA, you can give your dogs chew, treats, and water additives for their breath to smell better.  

You should take note that a healthy diet can positively impact your dog’s skin, coat, and overall well-being, resulting in a fresher scent. 

Tips to Make Your Dog Smell Good Without A Bath 

We have already talked about some natural ways to prevent the foul odor of your dog. But some amazing tips can help your dog to smell better. 

If you’re still wondering “How to make your dog smell good without a bath”, you should follow the following tips and tricks. 

Using Lemon Water to Eliminate Unpleasant Dog Odors

Lemon water is a natural solution. It can improve your dog’s smell. The acidic properties of lemons help neutralize odors. To use lemon water, follow these steps:

  1. Fill a spray bottle with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  2. Dilute the lemon juice by adding an equal amount of water.
  3. Shake the bottle well to mix the solution.
  4. Lightly mist your dog’s coat with lemon water, avoiding the face and eyes.
  5. Gently rub the solution into your dog’s fur.
  6. Allow the lemon water to dry naturally on your dog’s coat.

Dry Shampooing for Quick Refreshment

Dry Shampooing for Quick Refreshment

Dry shampooing offers a suitable option to keep your dog smelling fresh. It absorbs excess oils and dirt, leaving the coat clean and revitalized. Follow these 4 steps to effectively dry shampoo your dog:

  1. Choose a Suitable Dry Shampoo: Use a dry shampoo formulated for dogs. Avoid using human dry shampoos. They may contain higher PH and harsh ingredients.
  2. Prepare the Area: Find a well-ventilated area where you can comfortably groom your dog. Lay down a towel or use a grooming table if available.
  3. Application: Gently massage the dry shampoo into your dog’s coat, focusing on areas that tend to accumulate odor or appear greasy. Use your fingers or a soft brush to distribute the product evenly.
  4. Brushing Out: Allow the dry shampoo to sit for a few minutes. Once the waiting period is over, thoroughly brush your dog’s coat to remove any remaining residue and to achieve a fresh-smelling result.

Freshening Sprays and Deodorizers

Freshening sprays and deodorizers can be a great addition to your dog’s grooming routine. These products are specially formulated to neutralize odors and provide a pleasant scent. Follow these steps for effective use:

  1. Choose a Quality Product: Select a freshening spray or deodorizer made for dogs. Read the product labels and choose one that suits your dog’s needs.
  2. Test on a Small Area: Before applying the product to your dog’s entire coat, test it on a small area of their fur. It will ensure no adverse reactions or allergies.
  3. Application: Spray the product lightly over your dog’s coat, keeping a distance as recommended on the label. Avoid spraying near their face, ears, or eyes. Instead, spray it onto your hands and gently rub it into their fur.
  4. Avoid Overuse: Freshening sprays are designed to be used in moderation. Using them excessively may lead to skin irritation or discomfort for your dog. 

Banish the Dog Odor with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is not only beneficial for your dog’s health, but it can also improve their smell. The antimicrobial properties of coconut oil help combat unpleasant odors. Here’s how to use coconut oil:

  1. Take a small amount of coconut oil and warm it in your hands until it becomes liquid.
  2. Gently massage the oil into your dog’s coat, focusing on areas with odor. ‘
  3. Allow the coconut oil to sit on their fur for a few minutes.
  4. Use a soft brush to distribute the oil evenly and remove any excess.
  5. Your dog will have a pleasant coconut scent and a healthier coat.

Herbal Baths

Some herbs, such as lavender or chamomile, have natural deodorizing properties. Infusing your dog’s bathwater with these herbs can help freshen their coat. 

Remember to consult with a veterinarian before using any herbal remedies to ensure they are safe for your dog.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar and Water

Apple cider vinegar can help neutralize odors and restore pH balance to your dog’s skin. Follow these steps to use apple cider vinegar and water:

  1. Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
  2. Shake well to combine the solution.
  3. Lightly mist your dog’s coat, avoiding the face and sensitive areas.
  4. Gently massage the mixture into their fur.
  5. Allow the coat to air dry, and the vinegar smell will dissipate, leaving a fresher scent. 

Utilizing Pet Wipes to Clean Your Dog

Pet wipes are convenient for giving your dog a quick cleaning and refreshing its smell. Choose wipes specifically designed for dogs and gently wipe their fur, focusing on areas that tend to accumulate odor. 

Pay attention to your dog’s paws, underbelly, and fur around the face. Dispose of the used wipes properly, and your dog will be left smelling clean and pleasant.

Homemade Remedy: Baking Soda is A Great Odor Eliminator

Baking soda is a fantastic natural odor eliminator that can be used on your dog’s coat. Here’s how to make a homemade baking soda remedy:

  1. Combine baking soda and water until you achieve a paste-like consistency.
  2. Gently apply the paste to areas with odor or dirt buildup.
  3. Allow the baking soda paste to sit for a few minutes.
  4. Thoroughly brush your dog’s coat to remove the baking soda residue.
  5. Your dog will have a fresher smell and cleaner fur. 

Maintain a Clean Environment to Get Rid of Stinky Dog Smell

Maintain a Clean Environment to Get Rid of Stinky Dog Smell

You might be tired of that persistent stinky dog smell in your home. It’s time to take action and maintain a clean environment. 

Here are some simple steps. Following these you can bid farewell to unpleasant odors and enjoy a fresh-smelling home. 

Regular Cleaning of Dog’s Bedding 

If you want to control odor, you must keep your dog’s bed clean. Make sure to wash it on a regular basis to eliminate any accumulated smells. 

Here are some tips for washing different types of dog bedding materials

  • Machine-Washable Bedding: For this type of bedding, use a mild detergent and wash it on a gentle cycle. Avoid using strong-smelling detergent. As they can clash with your dog’s natural scent.
  • Large Bedding: If the bedding is too large for your washing machine, take it to a laundromat or use a commercial-sized washer.
  • Non-Machine-Washable Bedding: This type of bedding can be spot-cleaned or taken to a professional cleaner. 

Finally, it’s crucial to consider the frequency of washing and replacing your dog’s bedding. Depending on your dog’s habits, you may have to wash it weekly or more often.
If your dog’s bedding becomes worn out or retains a strong smell despite cleaning, it’s time to replace it. 

Keeping the Living Space Clean 

Still, you might be questioning “How to make your dog smell good without a bath”, and the answer is it depends on many factors. We’ve discussed some of it. 

Another way of keeping pet odor away is to keep your living space hygienic. Follow these techniques to keep your home fresh and odor-free:

  1. Regularly vacuum and mop the floors to remove dog hair, dander, and any other debris. Pay close attention to corners and areas where your dog spends the most time.
  2. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to trap allergens and odors. 
  3. Limit your dog’s access to certain areas of your home, especially carpeted rooms or furniture that can absorb smells easily.

Enzymatic Cleaners for Accidents

Accidents happen, and when they involve your dogs, it’s better to clean up to prevent lingering odors.
Enzymatic cleaners are manufactured to break down and eliminate the organic compounds found in pet urine, feces, and vomit.
Follow the instructions on the cleaner’s packaging and thoroughly treat the affected areas for optimal results.

Proper Ventilation and Air Circulation

Proper ventilation and air circulation can minimize pet odor.
Make sure that your home has adequate airflow. You can open windows or use fans to allow fresh air to circulate. 

This helps to prevent odor build-up. Also, it creates a healthier living environment for both you and your pets. 

Invest in an Air Purifier and Air Freshener

Improving indoor air quality can greatly contribute to a pleasant-smelling home.

Consider investing in an air purifier to filter out allergens, pet dander, and other airborne particles. These can contribute to unpleasant odors. Look for one that is designed to eliminate pet odors.

Lastly, don’t forget to use air fresheners sparingly to enhance the overall scent of your home. Since overwhelming fragrances may irritate your dog’s sensitive nose, try to choose natural-dog-friendly options.  


Why should I make my dog smell good without a bath?

Bathing too often isn’t healthy for your dog. Besides, it can cause irritation and itchiness. It’s better to maintain a home environment that makes you feel smelling fresh and pleasant.

How often should I groom my dog to keep them smelling fresh?

The frequency of grooming depends on your dog’s breed, coat type, and activities. Generally, dogs should be groomed regularly, including brushing their coat, cleaning their ears, and trimming their nails.

Can I use human perfumes or colognes on my dog to make them smell good?

No. Don’t use human perfumes or colognes on your dog. Dogs have more sensitive skin and a different pH balance compared to humans. Such products can cause irritation and allergic reaction.

How can I control my dog’s bad breath without using a toothbrush?

You can consider giving them dental treats, dental chews, or dental water additives that are designed to freshen their breath. Maintain dental check-ups with a veterinarian for good oral health. 

What if my dog’s odor persists despite grooming efforts?

If your dog’s odor persists despite regular grooming, it is important to consult with a veterinarian. The persistent odor may indicate an underlying health issue, such as skin infections, dental problems, or glandular issues. 

Can I use baby powder on my dog to make them smell good?

No. Don’t use baby powder on your dog to make them smell good. Some baby powders may contain ingredients that can be harmful to dogs if inhaled or ingested. Instead, opt for dog-friendly grooming sprays.

How often should I clean my dog’s ears to prevent odor?

The frequency of ear cleaning depends on your dog’s breed and ear shape. Some dogs with floppy ears or those prone to ear infections may require more frequent cleaning. Consult with your veterinarian for further suggestions.

Are there any natural remedies to make my dog smell good?

Yes. Some natural remedies include using baking soda as a dry shampoo by sprinkling it on their coat. You can also create a DIY spray using a mixture of water, apple cider vinegar, and a few drops of essential oils.

How can I keep my dog’s bedding and surroundings smelling fresh?

Wash their bedding regularly using pet-safe detergent. Vacuum and clean their sleeping area and any frequently used areas to remove dirt and odor-causing particles. Also, use pet-friendly air fresheners or deodorizers. 


Up until now, we’ve covered the answer to this question “How to make your dog smell good without a bath”. If we recapitulate, the things you need to do for acquiring a pleasant smell are: Regular grooming (Ear and Mouth) Cleaning the living space, and cleaning the dog’s bedding. 

Besides, you can also use some natural home remedies that can help you to get a better-smelling area. Such as using freshening sprays, Lemon water, Dry shampooing, Baking soda, and more.  

To keep both your furry friend and your home hygienic and fresh-smelling, it’s advisable to follow natural and organic processes and tools that are made only for dogs. We also discourage frequent bathing. It can cause oil imbalance, itchiness, and irritation to your adorable dog.