Biting is a natural behavior of cats. Generally, a young cat bites out for many reasons. They include playfulness, illness, stress, pain, frustration, fear, or predatory impulses. Teething cats bite on objects or owners much more than adult cats.

Suppose you have been writing something, and then your feline friend came over and started biting the nib of your pen. But is it normal behavior for cats? If you are concerned about this matter, you are not alone.

In this article, we will know the reasons behind this behavior and try to answer the question: “Why does my cat want to bite the nib of my pen?”

So, let’s dive into the deep!

Reasons Why Your Cat Wants to Bite the Nib of Your Pen

Cats like to explore or play with random objects. So, they pay attention to anything. But when they become used to doing any specific work, there is reason. It’s tough to find the exact reason. Here, we discuss some probable reasons for biting the nib of your pen. 

Reasons Why Your Cat Wants to Bite the Nib of Your Pen

Exploratory Behavior

Cats are naturally curious animals and love to explore their environment. They often investigate new objects and engage in playful activities. With its intriguing shape and movement, a pen can easily catch their attention and become a target for exploration.

Moreover, if they find the ink tastes good, they will bite the nib of your pen regularly. Whenever they see you to write with the pen, they will come and bite the nib.

Biting as a Form of Communication

Biting the pen’s nib can allow your cats to communicate with you. They may bite gently to get your attention, express affection, or signal that they want to play.

When your cat bites the nib of your pen, it could be their way of saying, “Let’s have some fun!”

Curiosity and Playfulness

Cats are naturally curious and playful animals. They have a strong instinct to explore their environment and engage in activities stimulating their senses. A pen can move and make noise. So, it can be an interesting and engaging object for a cat to play with.

A cat may be exploring its texture, taste, and movement when it bites the nib of a pen. This behavior can provide mental stimulation and satisfy cats’ natural curiosity. Additionally, playing with a pen can be fun for your cat.

Taste Testing

Cats have a highly developed sense of taste. It allows them to detect and explore the flavors and textures of different objects in their environment.

A cat may be using their sense of taste to investigate the flavor and texture of the pen nib when they bite it. This behavior is similar to how cats lick or chew on other objects, such as toys, plants, or furniture, to explore their taste and texture. This behavior may seem strange to us. But it is a natural way for cats to learn about their environment and satisfy their curiosity.

However, it’s important to supervise your cat while playing with a pen and bite nib to taste the ink.

Attention-Seeking Behavior

Cats are social animals. They enjoy interacting with humans. They may use various behaviors to seek your attention and affection, such as meowing, purring, or rubbing.

Biting the nib of a pen can be another way for cats to get your attention. If you are busy writing and not paying attention to your cat, they may try to interrupt you by biting your pen.

This behavior can be seen as a playful way for your cat to say, “Hey, pay attention to me!”

Attention-Seeking Behavior

Potential Health and Safety Concerns

Biting the nib of a pen may be harmless behavior. However, you should be aware of some potential health and safety concerns.

For example, pens may contain ink or other chemicals. It could be toxic for your cats. Additionally, small parts of your pen, such as the cap or clip, could pose a choking hazard if your cat accidentally swallowed them.

So, it’s important to supervise your cat while they are playing with a pen or biting the nib. You should ensure they do not have access to potentially dangerous objects.

[Caution: If you notice any unusual behavior or symptoms in your cat after playing with a pen, it’s always a good idea to consult your veterinarian to ensure their health and safety.]

Training and Redirecting Cat Behavior

If your cat has developed a habit of biting the nib of your pen, you should take steps to stop and redirect this behavior. One effective approach is to provide your cat with alternative toys or objects to play with and chew on. It can help satisfy their natural urge to explore and play. Simultaneously, you also keep them away from potentially harmful objects like pens.

Another strategy is to use positive reinforcement techniques to reward your cat for good behavior. For example, if your cat starts to bite the nib of your pen, you can redirect their attention to a toy and praise them when they engage with it. This can help reinforce the idea that playing with toys is a more desirable behavior than biting a pen’s nib.

In some cases, it may be necessary to use deterrents or other training methods to discourage your cat from biting the nib of pens. For example, you could use a bitter-tasting spray or other deterrent on the pen to make it less appealing to your cat.

Training and redirecting your cat’s behavior can effectively prevent them from biting the nib of your pen. By providing them with alternative toys and using positive reinforcement techniques, you can help your cat develop healthy and safe habits.


Cats biting a pen nib can be linked to their instinct, curiosity, playfulness, and craving for attention. While it may appear strange, it is a means for them to explore their surroundings and interact with you.

However, it is important to be conscious of potential health and safety risks, such as ingesting hazardous substances or choking risks. Using positive reward tactics and providing different toys can help redirect this tendency.

Remember that understanding and responding appropriately to your cat’s behavior will help you and your feline buddy build a strong and healthy friendship.