Cats are curious animals, and you may often find your cats jumping onto window sills. You can keep your cats out of windows by blocking the windows, using a deterrent, or training your cat to stay away from windows.

Cats enjoy watching the world outside from the comfort of their window sills. However, this can pose a problem for both you and your cat. Your cat may damage your window screens, curtains, or blinds. They can also fall out of the window and get injured.

You may also have to deal with unwanted visitors, such as stray cats or birds, that may trigger your cat’s hunting instincts and cause problems.

So, how can you deal with this issue and stop cats from jumping on the windows? Read on and discover how to keep your cat out of windows and protected from danger.

11 Tips to Keep Cats Out Of Windows

Cats often display adorable and weird behaviors. You may find your cat sleeping with his tongue out or even notice that your cat jumps off the balcony or windows. Seeing this, you may get worried and think of ways to stop this behavior of your cat.

You can easily keep your cat out of windows and prevent these potential threats by following some strategies. Here are 11 tips to help you catproof your windows and keep your feline friend safe and happy.

1. Block The Windows

One of the simplest ways to keep your cat out of windows is to block them completely. You can use cardboard, plywood, or plastic sheets to cover the windows and prevent your cat from seeing or accessing them.

There may be more aesthetically pleasing options, but it is effective and cheap. You can also decorate the window covers with stickers, paintings, or photos to make them more appealing.

2. Use Special Preventive Barriers To Cabinets

If you have cabinets or shelves near your windows, you can use special preventive barriers to keep your cat from climbing on them and reaching the windows. These barriers are usually metal or plastic and have spikes or bumps that deter your cat from stepping on them. 

You can attach them to the edges or tops of your cabinets or shelves using adhesive or screws. You can find these barriers online or in pet stores.

3. Use A Deterrent

Deterrents to Keep Cats Out of Windows

Another way to keep your cat out of windows is to use a deterrent that makes the window area unpleasant or scary for your cat. You can use various products or devices that emit smells, sounds, or sensations your cat dislikes. For example, you can use:

  • Citrus scents near the areas of your windows to deter curious cats from wandering around inconvenient places. As cats have sensitive noses, they’ll avoid those areas containing these strong smells.
  • Ultrasonic sound devices that produce high-pitched noises only cats can hear. Motion sensors trigger these devices and can annoy your cat and make them leave the window area. You can place these devices on the window sill or near the window and direct them toward the path your cat usually takes to approach the window.
  • Pet deterrent spray to discourage cats from displaying unwanted behaviors like climbing or scratching windows. Spray it directly onto the window surfaces and the edge of the window sill. Read the instructions carefully and re-apply it every few days to get the best results possible.

When using these deterrents, use them consistently and only when your cat is near the window. Don’t overuse them or spray your cat excessively, as this may cause stress or fear in your cat. Also, don’t use them as a form of punishment but rather as a way to teach your cat to associate the window with something unpleasant.

4. Providing Alternative Spaces

Providing Alternative Spaces

Sometimes, your cat may go to the window because they are bored, lonely, or looking for entertainment. In that case, you can provide alternative spaces for your cat to enjoy and satisfy their needs. For example, you can:

  • Place a cat bed or perch near the window so your cat can still enjoy the view and the sun without being on the window sill. Add toys, treats, or catnip to make the spot more attractive.
  • Create a cat-friendly zone in another room or area of your house with plenty of toys, scratching posts, hiding places, and comfortable locations for your cat to play, relax, and nap. You can also spend time with your cat in this zone and give them attention and affection.
  • Install a cat tree near the window but at a safe distance. This way, your cat will have something to climb on and play. A cat tree will provide your cat with an elevated view of their favorite parts of the house as well as the outside view of the window. Also, it can provide your cat with some stimulation and entertainment.

5. Use Catproofing Nets On The Windows

If you want to keep your windows open for ventilation or natural light but still prevent your cat from falling out or escaping, you can use catproofing nets on the windows. These nets are made of durable and flexible material that can withstand your cat’s claws and teeth.

They also have small holes that allow air and light to pass through, but not your cat. You can attach these nets to the window frames using hooks or clips. You can find these nets online or in pet stores.

6. Use Aluminum Foil

Covering windows using aluminum foil is another highly effective way to discourage cats from climbing onto or scratching. Cats don’t like the feel, sound, or reflection of aluminum foil and may avoid stepping on or touching it.

Cover the window sill or the area around it with aluminum foil and tape it securely. You can also fold some aluminum foil and place it on the window sill or near it. Your cat may get scared by the foil’s noise and shiny surface and stay away from the window. It is a cost-effective solution and can be easily removed anytime you want.

7. Use Double-Sided Tape

Double-sided tape is another product that cats don’t like. It sticks to their paws and fur and makes them uncomfortable. You can use double-sided tape to create a sticky barrier on the window sill or the area around the window.

You can also apply some double-sided tape to the window screen or the curtain to prevent your cat from scratching or tearing them. Your cat may soon learn to avoid the window area and look for other places to hang out.

8. Set Up A Water-Spraying System ( Using Motion Sensor)

A water-spraying system consists of a motion sensor, a water reservoir, a pump, and a nozzle. The system detects when your cats are near the window and sprays a jet of water at them. The water is harmless but unpleasant for your cats and may discourage them from going to the window again.

You can set up this system on the window sill or near the window and adjust the spray direction and intensity. You can also use a timer or a remote control to turn the system on and off as needed.

9. Use A Noise Machine Or Air Horn To Scare Your Cat Off

A noise machine or an air horn can also be used to scare your cat off the window. These devices produce loud and sudden noises that can startle your cat and make them run away from the window.

You can use a noise machine with different sounds, such as sirens, alarms, or animal noises, and set it off when your cat is near the window. You can also use an air horn to manually blast your cat when they are on the window sill or trying to get to the window.

However, be careful not to use these devices too often or too close to your cat, as they may cause stress or hearing damage in your cat.

10. Make The Window Hard To Access

Another way to keep your cat out of windows is to make the window hard to access. You can do this by rearranging the furniture or items in your house so your cat has no easy way to climb or jump to the window.

You can also block the window with large or heavy objects, such as boxes, books, or plants, that your cat can’t move or knock over. Moreover, use baby or pet gates to create a physical barrier between your cat and the window. This way, your cat will have no choice but to stay away from the window.

11. Training Your Cat To Stay Away From Window

Lastly, teach your cat to keep away from the window. You can do this by using positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement techniques.

Positive reinforcement means rewarding your cat for doing something good, such as staying away from the window or going to their alternative spot. You can use treats, praise, or toys to reward your cat and make them associate the desired behavior with something positive. 

Negative reinforcement means removing something bad or unpleasant when your cat does something good, such as stopping the deterrent or the noise when your cat leaves the window area. This way, your cat will learn that the window is not a fun or comfortable place to be and that they can get something better by staying away from it.

When training your cat, be patient, consistent, and clear. Don’t yell at your cat or hit them, as this will only make them fearful or aggressive. Instead, use a firm and calm voice and a simple command, such as “no” or “off,” to tell your cat what you want them to do.

Repeat the command, reward, or deterrent until your cat understands and follows your instructions. You can also use a clicker or a whistle to mark the exact moment your cat does something right and reward them. It will help your cat learn faster and easier.

Final Thoughts

Keeping your cat out of windows can be a challenging task, but not an impossible one. Following the tips in this article, you can cat-proof your windows and protect your cat from harm.You can also provide your cat with other stimulation sources to entertain your cat and make them comfortable. Cats follow their instincts and curiosity when they jump on a window sill or ruin the window. So, understand your cat’s behavior and needs and create a strong bond.