Doggy daycare is a fantastic idea, where you have dogs interacting, playing, and just having fun with each other under the supervision of trainers and caregivers. So, when the question, “Is doggy daycare good for dogs?” comes up, you would expect an immediate “Yes,” but the answer is not as straightforward.

Dogs have different personalities like humans and also varying levels of social skills. Hence each dog has a different experience in daycares. It all boils down to two main factors, your dog and the daycare; once you examine them, you would have your answer.

How would you know the right daycare? Does your dog like doggy daycare? We have answers for you.

How do I know if my dog loves doggy daycare?

Just like humans, dogs have varying social skills; some are introverts, while some extroverts. We are not going into dog psychology, but your answer lies in how your dog reacts to other dogs while out for a walk, or the way it relates to you, and other people.

Sociability is a spectrum, from highly sociable dogs to aggressive ones. The more sociable your dog is, the better they would enjoy daycare. These are the classifications:

Social Dogs:

These dogs get a kick from interacting with other dogs and people; they enjoy this interaction and encourage other dogs to engage in the interaction. Most puppies are at this stage, also adolescent dogs. These dogs would love being in daycare.

Tolerant Dogs:

These dogs are easy-going and get along with most dogs; they are not always forward in social interactions but can communicate well with other dogs and are not aggressive. These are also good examples of dogs who will love daycare. A lot of well-socialized adult dogs are in this category.

Selective Dogs:

Many adult dogs fall into this category; they have a select kind of dog they relate to and have as friends. They choose how to play and who to play with and are aggressive to dogs they don’t like. These dogs can be put in a daycare, but they require more attention than the first two groups. It is better to get walkers for these dogs rather than daycares or camps.

Aggressive Dogs:

They are the least friendly types of dogs; they lack social skills and rarely interact with other dogs. These dogs are not a good fit for daycares, even if you try, they would need to be under close supervision and away from other dogs.

So, the question, “Is doggy daycare good for dogs?” has been answered partly. After weighing the possible benefits of doggy daycares and the risks that might arise, we should be able to reach the full answer.

Pros and Cons of Doggy Daycare

Here are the benefits of doggy daycares:


  • They help reduce destructive behavior from dogs, as the dogs can let out, relieve their stress, and be entertained while playing with others. Most dogs destroy things out of boredom or anxiety, and daycares can help resolve these issues.
  • Dogs are social animals; they can safely socialize with other dogs without fear or worry.
  • Dog daycares are a fun place for your dog to get its exercise without you being around. Although it doesn’t replace the need for you to go on walks with your dogs, they can be relieving on hectic days.
  • Some dog daycares offer some training services; these can help rid anxiety and some bad behavior.


These are possible risks we think you should be aware of:

  • Even with supervision, your dogs can get scratches, and with dogs, fights can erupt quickly, leading to severe injury in rare cases.
  • Like other animals in close quarters, diseases can spread fast among the dogs, even though the daycare might be sanitary.
  • Some dogs get too stimulated and don’t know when to stop playing; this can get your dog stressed out and tired after daycare.
  • Many daycares are not sanitary, and that can lead to further complications of the con above. Some daycares are overcrowded without enough supervisors. This can be bad, as your dog needs adequate rest and nourishment, which would not get in such an environment.
  • In a dog daycare, the dogs will form hierarchies; thereby, your dog might try to mark its territory, dominate other dogs, and get aggressive to some. This is their primary instinct in play, but it’s necessarily not a good thing; your dog could act differently after daycare.

After considering the benefits and risks, we can boldly say doggy daycares are good for dogs. The risks can be significantly reduced by choosing the right daycare for your dog, and we have tips on how to do that.

How to choose the best daycare for your dog

It would help if you considered everything from safety measures to the daycare philosophies while choosing one. Here are five tips for you:

  • Make sure the daycare is safe for your dog, adequately ventilated, and fenced to prevent your dog from straying; your dog’s safety should be prioritized.
  • Make sure the daycare isn’t overcrowded, and it should have adequate staff for the number of dogs available. According to the International Boarding and Pet Care Services Association, the right number is one person to fifteen dogs.
  • The daycare should properly group the dogs into different categories based on size, social skills, and needs.
  • You need to ask about their policies on discipline, vaccinations, neutering, exercises, etc.
  • Please make sure the staff are transparent and are trustworthy enough for you to leave your dog with them.

You should be able to get a right doggy daycare following these tips.


Is doggy daycare good for dogs? Yes. You have to consider what’s best for your dog, choose the best daycare center, and put many things in order. Doggy daycares can help your dog socialize, have fun, and get better, but they should not be a replacement for a quality fun time with you and your dog. If your dog is not doing well, we would advise you to choose other options.

How was your experience with doggy daycares? Are you willing to try it out, or are you against it? Let us know in the comments.