Does your dog seem to enjoy a taste of fruits or vegetables? Do you think your dog can benefit from food or snacks that are maybe a little fresher and organic? The good news is that canines do in fact, enjoy munching on leafy greens and fruits every once in a while. As long as you know which ones are good for canines, your pet can enjoy the boost from vitamins and minerals found in fruits and veggies. So, what vegetables can a dog eat? Which fruits are safe for canines?

1. Broccoli

Broccoli is a top favorite vegetable among dog owners. It contains lots of fiber and Vitamin C, which are great for boosting immunity and cancer prevention. Plus, dogs just couldn’t resist munching on those tasty and crunchy florets. Broccoli is definitely safe to eat but add these to your dog’s meal only in small quantities. Too much can cause digestive issues.


2. Carrots

If you’re wondering what vegs can dogs eat safely, you can never go wrong with carrots. These are also high in fiber and contains beta-carotene and anti-oxidants that are great for building a stronger immune system. Carrots are also excellent for your dog’s teeth and gum health.

Delicious Carrot

3. Squash

Whether it’s pumpkin or butternut squash, most dogs don’t mind the taste of pureed or well-cooked squash. Add a bit of squash to your dog’s meal if he’s suffering from diarrhea or constipation problems and he’ll be in tip-top shape in no time.

Butternut Squash

4. Spinach

Leafy greens like spinach are safe to feed to dogs. It is rich with several vitamins and minerals from Vitamins A, C, and K to calcium, potassium, iron, and fiber. As with all other vegetables, add small amounts at first to your dog’s food to prevent an upset stomach. Spinach is also a good choice if you’re wondering what vegetables can a diabetic dog eat.


5. Green beans

Green beans are also a popular choice when people ask about what vegetables can my dog eat? Dogs love the taste of green beans, which promote healthy digestion. These are rich in fiber and loaded with important vitamins and minerals.

Fresh Raw Green Beans

6. Fresh Apples

Apples are perfectly safe for dogs to eat. They are low in fat and are a great source of Vitamins A and C. Apples are tasty and nutritious snacks, especially for older dogs. Just chop them up and feed the apples to your fluffy buddy. Just don’t forget to remove seeds and the core of the apple before you do.

Green Fresh Apples

7. Bananas

Everyone loves bananas, including your four-legged pet! And the good thing about it is that these fruits are completely safe to eat for canines. Bananas are loaded with potassium, fiber, and vitamins that make them super nutritious. Hand chopped bananas to your dog as a treat when he successfully learns a command or a new trick during your dog training sessions. Just remember that bananas have higher sugar content compared to other fruits in this list so feed in moderation.

Pile Banana

8. Berries

Berries are non-toxic and perfectly healthy snacks for your canine household members. Strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, and raspberries are rich in fiber, Vitamin C, and antioxidants. They make great treats for dogs that are overweight or diabetic.


9. Cucumbers

For dogs that are a little on the heavy side, feeding them cucumbers can help regulate your dog’s weight. Cucumbers are a great source of vitamins and minerals and contain little to no fats, carbs, and oils.


10. Watermelon

Watermelon fruit is made up of 92% water and is perfectly safe and healthy for dogs to eat. You can offer watermelon treats to keep your pet dog hydrated when it’s hot during the summer. This fruit is complete in Vitamins A, B-6, and C as well as potassium.

Other vegetables that are safe for dogs to ingest include parsley, cabbage, zucchini, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, celery, peas, and Brussel sprouts. Fruits like oranges, mangoes, peaches, pears, and pineapple are also good healthy options for your furry buddy.

What Vegetables Can Dogs Not Eat

What vegetables can a dog not eat? There are vegetables and fruits that contain substances that are toxic to canines. When canines ingest any of these toxic substances, they can suffer from digestive problems, anemia, nausea, diarrhea, and in some cases, poisoning and death. Remember to keep your dog away from the following vegetables and fruits.

  • Tomatoes contain chemicals that are bad for a dog’s heart and nervous system.
  • Alliums including onions, garlic, leeks, and chives ca break down red blood cells, causing oxygen deprivation and organ failure.
  • Grapes, raisins, and currants contain chemicals that are bad for a dog’s kidneys and cause organs to fail.
  • Peaches, cherries, and plums can also be toxic to dogs.

Serving Tips Fruits and Veggies to Your Dog

If your dog is on a steady dog food diet, experts would recommend adding only small amounts of vegetables per meal to prevent any nutritional imbalance.

  • Keep portions small. Serve fruits in moderation to regulate sugar and starch content.
  • Steam vegetables like broccoli and carrots to promote better digestion.
  • Vegetables like green beans can be served frozen for an added crunch.
  • Blanching vegetables effectively cleans the surface while keeping the flavor and vitamins intact. Submerge the veggies under boiling water and quickly submerge again in cold water.
  • If your dog doesn’t like the taste of vegetables, you can try chopping them finely before adding them to your dog’s meal or serving them pureed.
  • When prepping for meals at home, always set aside unused vegetable trimmings that are safe for your dog to eat. You reduce waste even as you supplement your dog’s diet with healthy options!
  • Try making frozen veggie treats for the summer. Add vegetables to one-part chicken broth, and one-part water mixture and pour over an ice tray.

There’s definitely a wide variety of fruits and vegetable you can choose from if you want supplement your dog’s diet with fresh produce. From root crops and legumes to leaf greens and berries, fruits and vegetables can effectively boost your dog’s immune system, build his energy, and improve overall health. Not all fruits and vegetables, however, are good for dogs so you need to be extra careful in picking, preparing, and serving organic produce to your pets.