Do you love it when your dog tilts their head? This heart-melting head tilt behavior makes the dog repeat the behavior, or there may be some medical issues. Though this tilting head behavior is normal and harmless, you should still know why dogs tilt their heads to one side.

You care for your pet dog and want to protect it from every danger. So, their weird behavior may be normal or indicate some health problems. But why stay in confusion or in tension? Let’s find out why do dogs turn their heads?

Reasons Of Dog’s Head Tilting

Reasons of Dog titling

When your dog tilts their head seeing you, the chances are high they are trying to grab your attention. Perhaps, they have some infections in their ears. So, why do dogs turn their heads? Actually there is no solid reason or proof behind head tilt dog. But there can be some possible reasons for this simple yet mysterious gesture. 

1. For Better Hearing

One of the most common reasons dogs tilt their heads or sometimes walk with their heads tilted is to improve their hearing ability.

You must know that your dog has an incredible sense of hearing. However, the way their ears are formed can make it a bit difficult for them to locate where exactly the sound is coming from. To adjust the position of their ears, dogs tilt their heads and get the location of the sound coming from.

This is more useful when they hear something unfamiliar or intriguing. It can be like a high-pitched noise or a distant sound.

2. To See Better

Your cute canine quirk has a slightly different field of vision compared to you. This is due to the shape of their faces and the placement of their eyes.

For example, if your dog has longer muzzles like a Poodle or German Shepherd, the snout can block part of their view. When they are looking directly at something, seeing clearly is more difficult. Thus, the dog turns its head to one side to get a clearer view by changing its line of sight.

You may have seen your dog trying to focus on something small and turn their head to see it better way.

3. Locating The Nose

Believe it or not, some experts suggest that dogs tilt their heads to get a better sense of their own noses. Your furry friend’s nose is a powerful tool for them.

They can detect scents that are far beyond human capabilities. So, when a dog tilts its head, he may be trying to get the scent more accurately. Or they want to differentiate between various scents. While searching for specific things, police dogs are used to locate the stuff by detecting the smell. So, the dog may tilt their head to locate the nose and smell.

4. Curious To Certain Words or Their Name

Have you ever noticed you call your dog by their name in front of them, and they suddenly tilt their head? Many pet owners claim to be experiencing such a situation. Having a dog for years, this may happen to you too. So, another reason for a head tilting dog when they hear their name.

Besides, when your dog hears a word, he may tilt his head out of curiosity. This is especially true when you are training the dog and giving commands using certain words like “walk,” “Good,” “sit,” “eat,” and many more. For the first time, these words are unknown to them, and they become curious.

The head tilting can show that the dog is trying to understand what was just said. It is their way of saying, “I am listening!”.

5. For Attention Seeking

Your cute canine is the most attention seeker in your home. He will do everything that grabs your full attention.

It can happen one day when your dog turns their head to one side and you react excitedly and happily. The dog notices this behavior and thinks head tilting is making his owner smile, laugh, or give extra attention. You praised the behavior or pet him.

All these work like a positive reinforcement. So, it is an adorable tactic that many dogs use to get along with their human companions.

6. Medically Unfit

Tilting the head to one side is usually harmless and a cute behavior of dogs, but sometimes it can be a sign of illness. In this situation, you need to observe your dog closely.

If you tilt its head frequently or show other symptoms like unsteady walking or shaking, it can ear infection, vestibular disease, or another health issue. The head tilt might be a sign that the dog is experiencing discomfort or balance problems. If you notice any unusual or persistent head tilting, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian.

7. An Unexpected Discovery Like a Toy

Dogs are naturally curious creatures. When they stumble upon something unexpected, like a toy they haven’t seen in a while or other stuff, you might notice them tilting or turning their head in surprise. This head movement is often a sign that they are processing the new discovery. They try to figure out what it is and whether it’s something they should play with.

For example, if your dog finds a toy under the couch that’s been missing for weeks, they might first tilt their head as they inspect it. This reaction shows their curiosity and excitement. Then they mentally reconnect with the toy and decide how to interact with it. Whether it’s a favorite squeaky toy or something entirely new, the head tilt is a part of their natural instinct and learning process.

8. Sounds Like Another Dog Howling or a Prey Animal

When a dog hears the sound of another dog howling or the call of a prey animal, especially if they are a hunting breed, they might respond by tilting or turning their head. This behavior is their way of honing in on the sound, trying to determine its source and significance.

For instance, if your dog hears a distant howl, they might tilt their head to better understand whether it’s a call for attention, a warning, or simply another dog expressing itself. For hunting dogs, hearing the sound of a prey animal, such as a bird or small mammal, can trigger their natural instincts. The head tilt in this situation helps them focus on the sound, sharpening their senses as they prepare to respond, whether that means getting ready to track, chase, or just remain alert. This reaction is deeply rooted in their instincts, reflecting their heritage as hunters and communicators in the wild.

Situations When Dog Turning Head

when dogs tilting

Your dog turning head to one side can happen in various situations. If you are more curious to know everything about your head-tilting dogs, then read further.

When You Talk to Them

When you talk with your dog, you might notice them tilting or turning their head as they try to understand every word you say. Your dog loves you and notices everything and every word you say to them. They try to listen closely. The head turn helps them focus better on your tone. They feel more connected during the chat.

When Confused

A confused dog can tilt their head. They may try to figure out something they are confused. You perhaps give them an unfamiliar command or call them by some unusual name. Now your dog is confused. They will tilt their head and silently ask you, “What do you mean?”

When Moving Back and Forth

Sometimes, a dog might turn its head back and forth as if scanning its environment or trying to decide which direction to focus on. This behavior can occur during play or when the dog is excited about something. It might look like the dog is trying different options or simply enjoying the movement as it explores the world around it.

When You Pet Them

When you pet your dog, they might turn their head towards you or even away. It depends on how they feel. If they turn their head towards you, it could signify that they’re enjoying the attention and want more. On the other hand, if they turn their head away, it might be their way of saying they’ve had enough for the moment. Either way, it’s a form of communication letting you know how they feel about the interaction.


Now you know why dogs tilt their head to one side, and find out why your pet dog does so. However, dogs most often do this behavior to locate a sound or smell. Also, when they try to get a clear vision of something, they turn their head.

Other reasons can be the praise and positive reinforcement you apply when the dog turns his head. Now, he is repeating to grab your attention.

The part that is concerning can be medical issues like ear infections or vestibular disease. Frequent head tilting is a major sign, so consult your vet as soon as possible.